THE AMERICAN IMMIGRATION SCAM How do hapless Mexican's and Syrians figure into Nancy Pelosi's ability to buy diamonds and mansions? This is how it works: 1. From 2006 to 2008, the DNC commissioned some studies that reported that 82% of poor foreign immigrants had a potential to be converted to vote for DNC-sponsored candidates. 2. If you can artifically swell the voting rolls, and create a manipulated naive electorate of low IQ, uneducated people you can throw elections to your agenda. 3. Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein and Kamala Harris are top DNC political operatives with manipulative business-man husbands who purchase stock market assets, in advance, based on the agenda that they tell their wives to promote. 4. When the laws and politicies that Pelosi, Feinstein and Harris push create government contracts and monopolies that profiteer for the Pelosi, Feinstein and Harris husbands, then the Pelosi, Feinstein and Harris families put a hundred million dollars in their secret bank accounts instead of the limit of $170K that they are only supposed to make. 5. That is why DNC candidates, particularly Pelosi, Feinstein and Harris have a nearly rabid intent to fill America up with a manipulated naive electorate of low IQ, uneducated people from foreign nations and why Silicon Valley, (who sponsors and benefits from Pelosi, Feinstein and Harris scams) push this too. Thus: Mexican's and Syrians = Diamonds, Gucci Shoes and Mansions for Pelosi, Feinstein and Harris. It was the same thing for "Green Energy" and "Cleantech". Pelosi, Feinstein and Harris husbands and business partners owned the stock market stocks in Tesla, Solyndra Abound, Ener1, Fisker and all of those 'failed' green energy companies where they profited with the tax write-offs in the bankrupcties of those companies. It is the same for "high-speed" rail scams. "Infrastructure" construction contracts and other crimes against the treasuries of the taxpayers. Why don't the FBI, SEC, FEC and others arrest and charge them???? "James Comey".... etc.. rigged agencies!